Health Program
As part of contributing to the national effort towards achieving the Health Sector Transformation Plan II, OSSHD intervenes in the health sector by promoting positive health of the targeted communities. Aiming at improving better quality of life, in the 2023 OSSHD strive to improve the health status and wellbeing of the targeted communities through production of different IEC/BCC materials, broadcasting of health promotive messages in mainstream medias, organizing awareness raising events and condom promotion and distribution. In addition to preventive works, OSSHD also engages in provision of health care service in its own 12 Drop-in Centers (DIC). The package of services includes but not limited to direct and referral service provision of Sexual Reproductive Health, HIV Testing Service and Capacity building of health care professionals.

Current Projects
Project Title: Promoting stability and strengthening basic service delivery for host communities, refugees and other displaced population in Gambella Regional State (GRS) of Ethiopia
Donor: European Commission
Project Duration: December 2020 – December 2024
Project Location: Gambella Town, Gambella Zuria, Itang, Makuey, and Gog woredas of Gambella Regional State
Project Budget: 1,310,000 Euro
Project Beneficiaries: Vulnerable host communities, IDP, and refugees, Women in reproductive age group (15 to 49), youths 15 to 24, community leaders, District, zonal, and regional government officials
Project Interventions:
- Provide access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), HIV/AIDS, and other health services through integrated Drop-in Centres (DIC).
- Conduct health awareness and promotion at community level
- Provide access to youth-focused services, including digital library, sports and games, and linkages to peacebuilding activities, through integrated Drop-in Centres (DIC).

Project Title: Increasing access to HIV/AIDS Services Among Key and Priority Populations in Selected High Incidence Woredas of Ethiopia
Donor: Global Fund Via Federal Ministry of Health
Project Duration: July, 2022 - June, 2024
Project Location: Gambella Town, Oromia (East Wollega Zone: Digga and Gidda Ayana woreda, Nekemte Town), (Jimma Zone: Jimma Town, Limmu Kossa and Gomma woreda) - Amhara (Awi Zone: Dangla Town), (Bahir dar Liyu Zone: Bahirdar Town), (South Gondar Zone: Addis Zemen), South Wollo Zone (Dessie and Kombolcha Towns) (Gondar Town) - SNNPR (Hadiya Zone: Hossana Town), Kembata Tembaro Zone (Durame Town) - Sidama (Hawassa Zuriya and Hawassa Town) - Gambella (Gambella Town and Gambella Woreda)
Project Budget: 64,712,737.25 ETB
Project Beneficiaries: Female Sex Workers, Adolescent Girls and Young Women’s, Injectable Drug Users
Project Interventions:
- Advocacy on barriers of access to HIV/AIDS service
- Technical and Financial Capacity Building of CSOs
- Bio-Medical, Structural and Behavioural Intervention to KPPs

Project Title: Getting to Zero (Dose Children); Last Mile Immunization in Fragile, Emergency, and Refuge Settings
Donor: Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative /GAVI/ through International Rescue Committee /IRC/
Project Duration: November 2022 to March 2024
Project Location: - North Gondar: Maytemrie Town, Adiarkay, Telemt and East Telemt woredas - North Wollo: Raya Kobo, Kobo City Administration, Gidan Woreda, Habru Woreda and Gubalafto Woreda - Waghimra: Tsagbgi, Abergelie, Ofla and Zata Woredas - East Wollega: Nunu Kumba, Bilo Boshe, Wama Agalo,Gudeya Bila, Gida Ayyana, Limu, Haro Limu, Ebantu and Kiramu Woredas - West Wollega: Begi, Qondala, Gimbi Rural, Mana Sibu, Gulliso, Nedjo Rural, Sayo Nole, Boji Chokorsa, Kiltu Kara - East Hararge: Meta, Gorogutu, Kersa and Chinaksen woredas
Project Budget: $ 1,916,317.8
Project Beneficiaries: Zero Dose Children, Health Extension Workers, Health Facility Professionals, Woreda Health Offices and Zonal Health Departments
Project Interventions:
- Capacitation of local health data management system
- Identifying and addressing zero dose children
- Empowering community about immunization

Project Title: Integrated Access to HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health Service Program
Donor: Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development, Bread for the World
Project Duration: July 2023 to June 2026
Project Location:Gondar Town, Addis Ababa and Diredawa city Administrations
Project Budget: 1,800,000 Euro
Project Beneficiaries: Key and Priority Populations, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs)
Project Interventions:
- Targeted Awareness raising
- Care and support services
- Empowerment of PLHIV women’s